The Holistic Hustle

From Burnout to Successful Biz Owner - Create a Business Where Health is your Wealth w/ Katie Harris

Jessica Rieger

Hello You Beautiful Soul 💜

Today I am joined by the wonderful Katie Harris! We dive deep into her own personal story in going burntout overworked nurse to successful business owner and how she is now on a mission to create a business that totally supports her health in every aspect.  Including showing other women how to do exactly that in her Podcast Management Programs.

We talk all things:

💜Signs of burnout and how you spot it.
💜Why creating your biz to support your health is important - your health is the foundation.
💜Tips on how to deal with burnout symptoms
💜Why syncing your biz and life to your menstrual cycle can help avoid burnout
💜 Katie's own personal journey and what helped her!
💜cycle syncing as a permission slip to step back from the spotlight in your business
💜Choosing a business that supports your health

Katie's Instagram - HERE get in touch with her to learn how to become a podcast manager

As always please share or review if you enjoyed this little episode! I always pick someone at the end of the quarter to give a prize to for sharing 😍Thanks for listening!
Instagram: Jess_soulshapefitness
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