The Holistic Hustle

Craving More Energy? Maybe The Rainbow Diet Is The Answer w/ Dr. Deanna Minich

Jessica Rieger

Welcome you beautiful soul!

My loves, this is the first episode with the new banding for the podcast! With that I'm so excited to have a very special guest on today! 

Dr. Deanna Minich PhD, is a nutrition scientist, international lecturer, educator, and author, with over twenty-five years of experience in academia and the food and dietary supplement industries, and currently the Chief Science Officer at Symphony Natural Health. She has been active as a functional medicine clinician in clinical trials and in her own practice (Food & Spirit™). She is the author of six consumer books on wellness topics, four book chapters, and over fifty scientific publications. Through her talks, workshops, groups, and in-person retreats, she helps people to transform their lives practically and artfully through nutrition and lifestyle. Visit her at: 

We Dive into:

💜 What colour codes are in nutrition and what benefits colourful foods have for your health

💜 Using colourful foods to decrease chronic illness, depression and anxiety 

💜 Using plants to influence the 'behaviour-biome'

💜 Variety in your diet to avoid life ruts.

💜 Spiritual connection, creativity and purpose through Food and  the way we nourish ourselves

💜 How the colours on the inside can affect your external world

Thanks sooo much for listening!
 As always please share or review if you enjoyed this little episode! I always pick someone at the end of the quarter to give a prize to for sharing 😍Thanks for listening!
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Connect with Dr. Deanna Below ⬇️


